Family Group Sheet

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Why I created this blog.

From Oct. 2007-Sept. 2008 my husband, Leonard Ingermanson, and I served a full time mission for the LDS church in the Church & Family History Mission in Salt Lake City.  We were assigned to be in the US/Canada zone which meant we worked at the Family History Library. We decided that after we were released, we would stay in Salt Lake the month of Oct. and do personal research.

In Sept. 2008 there were Norwegian research classes being held at the Library, so I decided I better take them and get some expert help before it was too late. The classes taught me a lot and gave me the confidence to branch out and try the websites and other tools that were available.  With Ole Olsen's information written down, I went to the Norwegian archives website and within just a few minutes I had the image of his christening record up on my computer screen.  It had been so much easier than I though it would be. I was hooked. I played around with doing research but did not really get too serious until just a few days before we were to be released. I looked in a book listing all the farm names and found the Petterborg farm. Here is an earlier post about that book and what I found.

The last official day of our mission was 26 Set. 2008. The evening before, we decided to spend at the library doing research. I had a piece of paper with the Petterborg name written on it. I went up to the Scandinavian research desk to ask for some assistance with finding more information on them and their farm. I showed the consultant the paper and explained I needed help. Another consultant, who was standing right there, looked at the paper and said, "That is my family!" I about fell over. The consultant's name was R.S. and I had looked for her at the beginning of our mission but she was not working at the FHL at the time. I had left a message on her home answering machine but somehow we had never connected. She was back for her FIRST day after having hip replacement surgery and it was the last hours of my mission. Coincidence? I think not!! I spent the next couple of hours looking some things up and getting acquainted with R.S. Boy, was I excited to start my Petterborg research. I was flying high!!!

I am not sure where my information came for the Petterborg family that I have in my PAF (Personal Ancestral File) database. My husband was into genealogy, way before I was, and he spent quite a long time looking on the old Ancestral File (AF) and downloading information on my family. I had known the information on AF was not accurate but it still created a foundation on which to start researching. As I looked at what I had, I noticed there was very limited information on Ole and Maria's oldest children, Gine and Ole Johan. That was where I was going to start.

The last day of our mission was reserved for packing and wrapping things up but since we were staying another month, we had the whole day to work on research. I spent the whole day on the International floor next to the Scandinavian help desk and connected to a computer. I was so lucky because R.S. was on duty and I could ask her all kinds of questions. I really got a good start.

During the month, I found so much, that was new to me, and I am still not sure it is all where it needs to be. I hope this blog will be a place where others can find and share information. I was never quite sure where to go to learn about my family. It's probably because I did not realize there would come a time when those who knew would be gone and I would be left having to dig by myself. Oh how I wish I had taken the time to ask questions of those who had the answers--it would have been so much easier and a lot more fun!!!

I started this blog so that there was one place to go to coordinate what little I have to share and to organize the research I have done. I am hoping to find other Petterborgs who will enjoy reading and learning and might even have something to share.

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